Vision Strides can give your business a boost with a short company branded video for your website or social media page.

Video Planning and Action

Detail 1 Planning

Before a video can begin a lot of planning needs to take place.

The location, who is involved, what is the video for and who is in it. When the shoot is broken down there is a producer, director and a script advisor. Many times in a small production, these functions are carried out by the same individual and the client.

Detail 3 Post Production - Editing

Editing and Post Production is where it all comes together

Post production begins with the downloading of all of the media taken at the shoot. This could be video, photos and audio if a separate track is recorded. A 3-4 minute final video could be made up of clips from many different takes during the shoot. Even professional actors go through several takes to get the proper action, script and over-all view that the producer and client are looking for which could be 30-120 minutes of video the editor needs to review and piece together for the final minutes of video.

Detail 2 Filming

Filming time & cost begins when the camera starts to roll.

The length of the video is determined by the complexity of the video, such as location, environment, lighting and action of whats being filmed. Proper pre-planning will reduce the chance of re-shooting which adds cost. A small production will include one or more cameras, audio equipment, lighting and script teleprompter.

Detail 4 Production Review

The review should be a close final of the production

Once the producer has edited all the footage, added the clips to video software, included all the pieces that make a video interesting to watch such as titles, transitions, effects and music, then it is time for a review with the client.

It’s important for the client to have already discussed their vision of the video so that after the review only minor changes are made. If the editor has to go back with major changes it will add time and cost to the production.